More Updates: Tracking, Routes & Events

We have released the following improvements to the Tracking, Routes & Events modules in V3 providing users with even more reliable information:

  • Improved logging of tracking at task locations
  • Separate markers for delays at task locations
  • Improved route optimisation as well as automatic route re-optimisation when any changes to tasks are made on PDM App
  • Improved performance of the "My Routes" screen in PDM App
  • Improved tracking screen which includes improved stoppage recording
  • The current position of drivers is more visible on the tracking map in PDM Web
  • Additional information on route durations and lengths of routes enables a quick comparison of the optimal routes with actual driver routes
  • New reports ensure a quick comparison of the optimal routes with actual driver routes

We're confident that these updates continue to bring PDM V3 users great reporting data that will help them efficiently manage their staff and business as they grow.