Here are some of the most asked questions about PDM.
If you can't find the answer to your question here, please contact us and we will be glad to help you.
New Users Frequently Asked Questions
- PDM Web
Mobile App
- What are the best mobile devices for using PDM App?
- Why is an Android device recommended?
- What device specifications are recommended?
- Do I need a device with a mobile data contract?
- How much data will my device use to run PDM?
- Can PDM App be used offline i.e. when there is no network coverage?
- How quickly does the information sync with the PDM Web app for the branch/hub to see?
- Billing
Existing Users Frequently Asked Questions
- Which web browsers are compatible with PDM Web?
- How can I improve the accuracy of the courier tracking?
- How do I deal with "On Hold" orders?
- How do I deal with "Running Late" orders?
- How do I switch a delivery from one driver to another?
- Is there any limit on the number of users or logins?
- What action should I take if a driver or other staff member leaves?
- Can I send SMS messages to customers in bulk?
- What action should I take if a customer is deceased?
- Where can I find tutorials and reference materials for training?
PDM App (mobile app)
- What are the best mobile devices for using PDM App?
- Why is an Android device recommended?
- What device specifications are recommended?
- Do I need a device with a mobile data contract?
- How much data will my device use to run PDM?
- How can I track my courier/delivery driver?
- Can the mobile app be used offline i.e. when there is no network coverage?
- How quickly does the information sync with PDM Web for the branch/hub to see?
- How do I switch a delivery from one driver to another?
- How can I request deletion of my account?
- PDM Portal (order tracking system)
- Billing
- Requesting and Collecting Payments