Searching the customer database

From the home screen, click the cursor into the Quick Search box, select the ‘Customers’ option and scan the barcode.

The information contained in the barcode will populate the search results. The “NHS ref” box must be ticked to find matching records. If the patient with matching NHS Ref is already in the database, their customer record will be displayed:

Adding a new patient to the customer database

To add a new patient, scan the barcode on the prescription and the data in the barcode will be read and can then be used to populate a customer record. Click the yellow button with the customers name in to create the new record.

On the New Customer screen, you’ll see that the information contained in the barcode has already populated the fields.

Check the data is correct and click ‘Save’ to add the customer to the database.

Searching orders

From the home screen, click the cursor into the Quick Search box, select the ‘Orders’ option and scan the barcode.
The “NHS ref” box must be ticked to find matching records. The Search will display all orders past and current, as well as tasks, relating to a customer with matching NHS Ref: