PDM V3 Upgrades: Automatically delete orders marked “Running late”

What does “Orders running late” mean?

This refers to deliveries (orders) or regular deliveries (dossett trays) that have been scheduled by staff or automatically by the PDM system (using the built-in repeat scheduler) but have not been delivered on the scheduled day. For example, if the...

  • Patient collected from branch
  • Prescription was not ready
  • Driver was unwell, so no deliveries were made that day
  • Patient is in hospital
  • Parcel is left behind (forgotten)
  • Pharmacy is closed i.e. bank holiday

Deliveries marked “running late” appear in red on the dashboard in PDM Web.

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Staff need to click on the “Orders running late” section of the dashboard to see the undelivered orders and resolve the issues.
Historically, PDM has not automatically deleted these orders. This meant that many pharmacies had a build-up or large numbers of running late orders to resolve.

The latest PDM update enables users to set up the number of days a prescription will be allowed to run late before it is automatically archived.

The advantage of having the deliveries that are "running late" is that the driver can not only see the deliveries scheduled for today but also the "running late" orders which he can then choose to prioritise.

To enable this feature, go to Menu > Administration > Orders.
Select the time interval from the drop-down menu in the ‘Cancel orders running late’ field.

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