PDM Web and PDM App

The pharmacy delivery tool designed to work with Analyst using 2D barcode scanning

PDM is pleased to be partnered with Positive Solutions (PSL Analyst)
to provide a simple way for pharmacies to make those
important deliveries to their patients.

You can use the PDM Web application or the PDM mobile app to scan the PSL 2D barcodes to:

  • add patients
  • find patients, or
  • add new deliveries

You may need to add a USB scanner to your system to enable PDM Web to read the 2D barcodes.
USB scanners are available from Positive Solutions; please contact your Positive Solutions account manager for more information.

If you are an existing PDM user, the new version of PDM (V3) is required to activate this useful integration.
We are now rolling out the new version to all V2 users and our Migration Support team will be in touch with each account in the coming months.
If you haven't heard from our team and would like to migrate to the new version, please send us an email with the subject 'Migration to V3' and one of the Migration Team will be in touch with the next steps to get your account moved over.
To read more about migration, check out our Migration Hub.

Click here to access the free Analyst PDM User Guide.

The time savings - and therefore cost savings - have been substantial.

Ian Jenkins — Davies Chemists Ltd.