Tracking, Routes & Events

The Tracking, Routes & Events module in PDM Web allows you to track and view the routes of couriers and other users logged in with PDM App.

The Tracking tab lets you see the route taken on a specified date by a specified user.

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You can see the user's optimal distance (based on route optimisation) along with optimal route duration compared with the recorded data.

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Also visible are the user's estimated route and last known location. Routed tasks can be displayed by task type. Tracking events (delays, stoppages), user events (log in/log out) and route events (route started/finished) can also be viewed here.

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The Routes tab shows you details for routes created in PDM App

  • Created: when the route was created
  • Created By: who created the route
  • Label: the route label (name)
  • Started: when the route was started
  • Finished: when the route was finished
  • Task Count: tasks included on the route
  • Reoptimisation Count: the number of times the route was reoptimised by the user
  • Optimal Sequence Deviation Count: the number of times the user broke an optimised task sequence.
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  • Distance: the optimal and recorded physical distance of the route. The variance compares the optimal and recorded differences
  • Non-Stop Duration: the Optimal Duration is the hypothetical duration of the optimal route without any stops or delays. The Recorded duration: the duration between the time the user marked the route as started and finished excluding all detected delays and stoppages. The Variance column compares the optimal and recorded differences
  • Task Duration: the Optimal duration is the total task time based on average task times defined in Administration settings. The Recorded duration is the total time the user was detected at the task location. The Variance column compares the optimal and recorded differences
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  • Other Delays & Stoppages Duration: the total time of possible delays and stoppages outside of task locations
  • Total Duration: the Optimal Duration is the hypothetical duration of the optimal route including the time required for each task. The Recorded Duration is the time the user marked the route as started and finished. The Variance column compares the optimal and recorded differences.
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Lastly, in the Events tab, you can see a log of all events and associated details, including:

  • Created: when the event was created
  • Created By: who created the event
  • Category: event category
  • Event: event type/description
  • Customer: customer first and last name
  • Order Ref: PDM order reference
  • Task: task type
  • Duration: event duration
  • Application: whether the event occurred in PDM Web or PDM App
  • On Route: whether the event occurred on a route or not
  • At task location: whether the event occurred at a task location or not
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Double-click on an event to view full details including a location map.