About Us

PDM is a delivery tracking app for Android and iOS
Originally commissioned by an independent Welsh pharmacy, PDM now provides services to businesses across the UK and abroad. It has features for any small to medium business that creates, fulfills and delivers orders.
Improve the efficiency of your delivery service, enjoy cost savings and enhance your customer's experience. Read some reviews from PDM users here.
Some of PDMs features include:
- The ability to make simple changes that increase efficiency, meaning your business can save time and money
- Allows for an auditable paperless delivery service, with digital records of deliveries and signatures
- Takes drivers via the best route with automatic routing and GPS navigation
- Helps you create a more efficient workforce with different routes for multiple drivers, ensuring you don't have two drivers in the same area
- Pharmacy users can also benefit from new features that quickly import delivery patient data to PDM so it's now even easier to get started.

Gary Jones, founder of PDM, runs a pharmacy in Borth, Wales. He found that running a delivery service raised issues on a day-to-day basis.
Here are some of his comments on the challenges he faced:
"I lacked vital information on the service we provided. I did not know how many [deliveries] we did daily, weekly, and monthly. The delivery driver required more hours, but I had no way of seeing how well the delivery system worked or could be improved. There seemed to be a communication problem between the pharmacy staff and the delivery service. When my driver said he was going on holiday for a month I needed a system in place that would ensure that our delivery service did not suffer. We had reached a stage where we required a second van for the delivery. During the month he was on holiday and monitoring the two drivers I realised how inefficient our delivery service was, such as delivering to far-reach areas on consecutive days."
Gary realised that another solution was needed
He says, "After clearly identifying the issues I decided to have a mobile app developed to provide a complete solution. This was developed not as a business initiative but to resolve issues that I had with the delivery service we provided."
The result?
"We were able to reshuffle our deliveries and not only have we been able to avoid the second van, but [have] been able to reduce the delivery time by an hour every day. This has resulted in significant savings, even when factoring in the cost of development and a mobile phone contract for my driver.
I was also able to get rid of all paperwork and place a computer screen on the wall. This enabled the staff to follow the driver live through the day and hence resolve any delivery issues with patients that phoned up.
I was so pleased with the solution that I decided to make it available to other pharmacies.
Since making that decision I have set up a company to provide the service - [PDM] - and developed the app further to include features requested by other pharmacies."
PDM Features

Here are some of the most asked questions about PDM: